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    Frequently Asked Questions

    Before attempting any provincial insurance licensing exams, you must first pass the LLQP module pre-certification exams. The number and type of modules are determined by the province where you wish to do business and the type of products you intend to sell.

    1. What is the LLQP?

    The LLQP (Life License Qualification Program) is the industry-entry education program required for anyone intending to sell life insurance products in Canada.

    Regulators require licensee candidates to complete training with an approved education provider first before they allow them to write any provincial insurance exams. All provincial and territorial insurance regulators use the same modular license exam approach and rely on the same exams. Your choice of course and the modules it includes or excludes will determine the provinces where you can work and the types of insurance products you can sell.

    For more details, visit the Courses page.

    2. How many exams do I need to complete?

    Generally speaking, life insurance agent candidates must complete four module exams with an LLQP education provider like Oliver to be permitted (certified) to write four provincial insurance exams on the same module topics. There are some variations in the number and choice of modules based on the province where you wish to do business and the type of products you intend to sell. Go to the Courses page for a full explanation.

    3. Can I take my certification exams at home?

    Yes. Oliver is the national leader in providing convenient at-home life insurance certification exams. With our unique and easy-to-use Digital Lock technology you can write your exam on any computer with a webcam, microphone, and reliable internet connection.

    4. How long do I have to complete the course?

    The course is valid for 12 months from the date of purchase or until a fourth unsuccessful attempt on any module exam, whichever occurs first. The majority of Oliver candidates pass their certification and provincial exams on their first attempt.

    5. Are there any additional costs?

    The enrolment fee charged by Oliver is the only cost to become certified to write provincial insurance exams.


    Unlike some providers who charge extra for additional learning resources or for each exam sitting, Oliver’s single fee provides access to all learning resources and three free exam attempts per module. In the unlikely event that you require a fourth attempt for a module—very few people do—there is a $20 charge per module exam attempt.


    After you are certified by Oliver, you can book and pay for your provincial exams. Each province sets its own exam-sitting fee. When you have passed your provincial exams, the only other costs are a provincial license fee and errors and omissions (E&O) insurance premiums if your province or territory requires you to carry E&O insurance.